Platforma Printoteca în serviciul sustenabilităţii și emancipării artistice / Printoteca Commits to Sustainability and Artistic Empowerment

Düsseldorf, 10 septembrie 2024 – Printoteca, o platformă inovatoare de imprimare la cerere (care prestează servicii de print-on-demand) dedicată sustenabilității și susținerii artiștilor locali, are un impact semnificativ în industrie. Fondată de Sabina Iordache, cu o vastă experiență în strategia de marketing și comunicare și de Răzvan Iordache, un expert în tehnologie, Printoteca a apărut din viziunea lor comună de a combina creativitatea cu practicile ecologice. / Düsseldorf, 10th September 2024 – Printoteca, an innovative print-on-demand platform dedicated to sustainability and supporting local artists, is making a significant impact in the industry. Founded by Sabina Iordache, with extensive experience in marketing and communication strategy, and Răzvan Iordache, a technology expert, Printoteca emerged from their shared vision to combine creativity with eco-friendly practices

Combinarea creativităţii cu sustenabilitatea
Printoteca a fost creată din dorința familiei Iordache de a prezenta talentul artistic reducând în același timp amprenta de mediu a industriei de tipar. Folosindu-și expertiza, cei doi au pus bazele unei afaceri care oferă servicii de tip imprimare la cerere de înaltă calitate și sustenabile. Misiunea lor este clară: să transforme creativitatea artistică în produse ecologice tangibile.

Oportunităţi identificate dintr-o pasiune
Având în vedere cererea în creștere a consumatorilor pentru produse personalizate precum și reglementările tot mai riguroase în materie de sustenabilitate, Printoteca a identificat o oportunitate importantă. Conduși de pasiunea pentru artă și sustenabilitate, fondatorii au dezvoltat o piață online ce le permite artiștilor să-și vândă lucrările fără riscuri financiare, promovând în același timp practicile ecologice. Totodată, compania bucureşteană deservește clienți din zona corporativă, oferind produse de imprimare sustenabile, de înaltă calitate, fără cerințe minime în ceea ce priveşte volumul comenzilor. Această flexibilitate le permite tuturor clienţilor – începând de la întreprinderile mici până la marile corporații – să aibă acces la soluții personalizate şi ecologice.

Un traseu motivat de provocări, dar şi de comunitate
Cu timpul, ceea ce a început într-un mic living, cu un buget limitat, a devenit o afacere prosperă. În pofida provocărilor cum ar fi problemele de autofinanțare, lipsa talentului specializat, o pandemie globală și instabilitatea regională, Printoteca și-a menținut dedicarea în serviciul furnizării de produse sustenabile și de înaltă calitate. Compania a evoluat prin sensibilitatea crescută faţă de feedback-ul clienților, extinderea ofertelor de servicii, dezvoltarea de instrumente online pentru artiști precum și prin obținerea certificatului GOTS (Standardul Global pentru Textile Organice) pentru transparența lanțului de aprovizionare. Angajamentul firmei faţă de optimizarea continuă i-a consolidat reputația în industria de imprimare la cerere.

Tehnologie inovatoare pentru progres
Făcând dovada unui progres semnificativ, Printoteca a investit de curând în echipamentul Avalanche HD6 produs de compania israeliană Kornit Digital, devenind astfel prima firmă din România care a adoptat această tehnologie de ultimă oră. Investiția a îmbunătățit considerabil calitatea ofertelor, permițând o producție eficientă de printuri vibrante și durabile. În pofida reticenţelor inițiale, decizia de a investi în Avalanche HD6 s-a dovedit decisivă pentru extinderea afacerii și atragerea de noi clienți, consolidând totodată angajamentul firmei față de calitate și sustenabilitate.

Depăşirea provocărilor pieţei
Una dintre provocările cele mai mari cu care s-a confruntat Printoteca a fost echilibrarea sustenabilității cu rentabilitatea. Este un fapt dovedit că de multe ori piața favorizează produsele ieftine, de o calitate îndoielnică, ceea ce contrastează cu valorile companiei. Pentru a rezolva această problemă, conducerea firmei s-a concentrat pe educarea clienților pe linia beneficiilor pe termen lung ale produselor sustenabile și de înaltă calitate. Intenţia companiei de a-şi menţine puternica identitate de brand şi a-şi promova în continuare valorile este prea puternică pentru a o determina să lase loc compromisurilor doar pentru a obţine un câștig pe termen scurt care s-ar putea traduce în pierderi pe termen lung.

Ce anume distinge Printoteca
Angajamentul solid al companiei Printoteca față de sustenabilitate o diferențiază de alte servicii de imprimare la cerere. Fiind prima platformă din regiunea sa care a obținut certificatul GOTS, firma garantează transparența lanțului de aprovizionare și respectarea reglementărilor de mediu. Dedicarea sa în serviciul comunității și în sprijinirea artiștilor locali i-a sporit pasiunea pentru piața din România, determinând-o să ofere instrumente şi resurse pentru promovarea succesului artistic. Proiectând produse cu o durabilitate extinsă, Printoteca face eforturi susţinute pentru a reduce risipa în articolele de modă și pentru a promova consumul responsabil. Sistemul „print-on-demand” oferit de Printoteca este integrat în principala sa platformă de comerț electronic, oferind un proces web-to-print complet automatizat.

Viziunea pentru viitor
Privind în perspectivă, Printoteca plănuiește să-și extindă oferta de produse și să-și optimizeze platforma online pentru a-și servi mai eficient comunitatea creativă. Investițiile continue în tehnologii și practici sustenabile rămân o prioritate, poziționând compania ca lider în soluții de imprimare ecologice. În plus, Printoteca își propune să-și consolideze eforturile de marketing prin promovarea digitală și parteneriatele strategice, lărgindu-și publicul-ţintă și menținându-şi relevanța pe piața competitivă a imprimării la cerere.

Pentru a obţine mai multe informații despre compania Printoteca și serviciile sale sustenabile de imprimare la cerere sau pentru a vă alătura comunității lor prospere de artiști, vizitați

t: +32 478 51 44 15

Despre Printoteca
Printoteca este o platformă de imprimare la cerere dedicată sustenabilității și sprijinirii artiștilor naționali. Fondată de Sabina și Răzvan Iordache, Printoteca combină imprimarea de înaltă calitate cu practici ecologice, oferind soluții flexibile atât pentru persoane fizice, cât și pentru corporații.

Despre Kornit Digital
Kornit Digital (NASDAQ: KRNT) este un lider de piață mondial în tehnologii sustenabile de producție digitală la cerere pentru modă și textile. Compania scrie sistemul de operare pentru articole de modă cu soluții end-to-end, inclusiv sisteme de tipărire digitală, cerneluri, consumabile și un întreg ecosistem global care gestionează fluxurile de lucru și îndeplinirea comenzilor. Cu sediul central în Israel și birouri în SUA, Europa și Asia Pacific, Kornit Digital deservește clienți în peste 100 de țări și state la nivel mondial. Pentru a afla mai multe despre cum transformă Kornit Digital cu îndrăzneală lumea modei și textilelor, vizitați


Merging Creativity with Sustainability
Printoteca was created from the Iordaches’ desire to showcase artistic talent while reducing the printing industry’s environmental footprint. Leveraging their expertise, they established a business that offers high-quality, sustainable print-on-demand services. Their mission is clear: to turn artistic creativity into tangible, eco-friendly products.

Driven by a Passion Identifies Opportunities
With growing consumer demand for personalized products and a focus on sustainability, Printoteca identified a crucial opportunity. Driven by a passion for art and sustainability, the founders developed an online marketplace allowing artists to sell their work without financial risk while promoting eco-friendly practices. Printoteca also serves corporate clients, providing high-quality, sustainable printing products with no minimum order requirements. This flexibility allows everyone—from small businesses to large corporations—to access tailored, eco-friendly solutions.

A Journey Fueled by Challenges and Community
What started in a small living room with a limited budget has grown into a thriving enterprise. Despite challenges like self-financing issues, a lack of specialized talent, a global pandemic, and regional instability, Printoteca has remained committed to providing high-quality, sustainable products. The company has evolved by adapting to customer feedback, expanding service offerings, developing online tools for artists, and achieving GOTS certification for supply chain transparency. Their commitment to improvement has bolstered their reputation in the print-on-demand industry.

 Pioneering Technology for Progress
In a significant advancement, Printoteca invested in Kornit’s Avalanche HD6, becoming the first in Romania to adopt this cutting-edge technology. This investment has improved the quality of their offerings, enabling efficient production of vibrant, long-lasting prints. Despite initial concerns, the decision to invest in the Avalanche HD6 has been crucial for scaling operations and attracting new customers, reinforcing their dedication to quality and sustainability.

Navigating Market Challenges
One of Printoteca’s key challenges has been balancing sustainability with cost-effectiveness. The market often favors cheap, low-quality products, which contrasts with Printoteca’s values. To address this, they focus on educating customers about the long-term benefits of sustainable, high-quality products. Remaining strong to their brand identity and values is too important to Printoteca to compromise for short term gains that could mean long term losses.

What Distinguishes Printoteca
Printoteca’s strong commitment to sustainability sets it apart from other print-on-demand services. As the first platform in their region to achieve GOTS certification, they ensure supply chain transparency and eco-friendliness. Their dedication to community building and support for local artists enhances their passion for the Romanian market, providing resources and tools to promote artist success. By designing products with longer lifespans, Printoteca actively fights fashion waste and champions conscious consumerism. The print on demand system offered by Printoteca, integrates with the main e-commerce platform, offering a fully automated web to print process.

Vision for the Future
Looking ahead, Printoteca plans to expand its product offerings and improve its online platform to better serve its creative community. Continued investment in sustainable technologies and practices remains a priority, positioning them as leaders in eco-friendly printing solutions. Additionally, Printoteca aims to strengthen its marketing efforts through digital outreach and strategic partnerships, broadening its audience and maintaining relevance in the competitive print-on-demand market.

For more information about Printoteca and their sustainable print-on-demand services or to join their thriving community of artists, visit

About Printoteca
Printoteca is a print-on-demand platform dedicated to sustainability and supporting national artists. Founded by Sabina and Răzvan Iordache, Printoteca combines high-quality printing with eco-friendly practices, offering flexible solutions for individuals and corporations alike.

About Kornit Digital
Kornit Digital (NASDAQ: KRNT) is a worldwide market leader in sustainable, on-demand, digital fashionx and textile production technologies. The company is writing the operating system for fashion with end-to-end solutions including digital printing systems, inks, consumables, and an entire global ecosystem that manages workflows and fulfillment. Headquartered in Israel with offices in the USA, Europe, and Asia Pacific, Kornit Digital serves customers in more than 100 countries and states worldwide. To learn more about how Kornit Digital is boldly transforming the world of fashion and textiles, visit

Kornit Media Contact
Craig Librett
Public Relations

Ingrid Van Loocke
Public Relations – Europe

Q&A – original feedback from Printoteca

1. What is Printoteca, who started it and what was the inspiration for it?
Printoteca is a print-on-demand platform focused on sustainability, providing a space for national artists to bring their designs to life.

Printoteca was founded by two partners, each bringing a unique professional background and a shared vision: Sabina Iordache, with extensive experience in marketing and communication strategy, transitioned from concept to creation, and Răzvan Iordache who comes from a strong background in technology and engineering . The inspiration behind Printoteca stemmed from their mutual desire to create a platform that not only celebrates creativity but also addresses the environmental impacts of the printing industry. They envisioned a business that combines high-quality print-on-demand services with a strong commitment to sustainability, aiming to turn artistic creativity into tangible, eco-friendly products.

2. You have developed a marketplace for national artists to drive print-on-demand at high value. How did you identify this opportunity, and what inspired you to pursue it?
We recognized a growing demand for personalized and unique products, coupled with an increasing consumer awareness of sustainability. This, combined with the rapid growth of the global print-on-demand market, highlighted a significant opportunity to create a platform that could meet these needs. Our passion for art and sustainability inspired us to build a marketplace that empowers artists to sell their work without financial risk while promoting eco-friendly practices.

Additionally, Printoteca is not only a print-on-demand platform but also a supplier and advisor for corporate customers seeking high-quality sustainable printed products. We offer flexible solutions with no minimum order requirements, ensuring that anyone, from individuals to large corporations, can access our services. This approach allows us to cater to a wide range of clients, providing tailored, sustainable printing solutions that meet diverse needs.

3. Can you describe how Printoteca has evolved over time? How has it grown to accommodate the needs of your artists and customers?
Printoteca began in a living room with a very small budget but big ambitions. At the time, we couldn’t afford high-quality printing equipment, but Răzvan’s technical abilities compensated for this, and we soon became known as the place in town to go for a good print. Despite numerous challenges—including the need for self-financing, a lack of specialized human resources, a global pandemic, and the war in a neighboring country—we managed to keep going without compromising our mission to produce high-quality, sustainable products.

Our journey has been marked by constant adaptation and growth. We are always inspired by the market when making decisions and truly listen to our customers’ feedback. This approach has led us to expand our services to include a wide range of print products and to develop online tools that enhance visibility and community building for our artists. Our commitment to sustainability has also led to the achievement of GOTS certification, ensuring complete supply chain transparency. By continually adapting to feedback from our community, we improve our offerings to better serve both artists and customers.

4. How has your Avalanche HD6 helped you through your evolution as a business?
We must admit that we were initially intimidated by the step towards Kornit. Romania is a market that still evolves, and end consumers still have trouble understanding the right balance between price and value. The Avalanche HD6 was the first of its kind in Romania, and we had no data on how things might evolve or if the investment would pay off. This made it a BIG decision for us to make.

Despite our initial fears, it turned out to be a very good decision. The new level of quality we brought to the market with the Avalanche HD6 helped us scale our operations and access new customers. The advanced technology of the HD6 has enabled us to produce vibrant, durable prints efficiently, supporting our commitment to quality and sustainability. It has been instrumental in our growth, allowing us to meet the high standards our clients expect and helping us to expand our customer base significantly.

5. Have there been any challenges you’ve faced in growing Printoteca, and how have you overcome them?
One of our primary challenges has been balancing sustainability with cost-effectiveness. The market often prioritizes low-cost, low-quality products, which contradicts our values. We’ve addressed this by educating our customers on the benefits of sustainable practices and the long-term value of high-quality products.

Additionally, the instability of the Romanian market and fiscal laws constantly brings new challenges. Frequent changes in regulations and economic fluctuations require us to stay adaptable and vigilant. Despite these hurdles, we’ve managed to navigate through by being proactive and resilient.

6. What sets Printoteca apart from other print-on-demand fulfillment services?
Printoteca stands out through its unwavering commitment to sustainability. We are the first POD platform in our region to achieve GOTS certification, ensuring that our entire supply chain is transparent and eco-friendly. Our focus on community building and supporting local artists also sets us apart, as we provide extensive resources and tools to help them succeed. Moreover, our products are designed to have a longer lifespan, reducing fashion waste and promoting conscious consumerism.

7. What are your plans for the future of the business, and how do you plan to continue growing and innovating?
Looking ahead, we plan to expand our product offerings and enhance our online platform to better serve our community of creators. We will continue to invest in sustainable technologies and practices, aiming to lead the industry in eco-friendly printing solutions. Additionally, we intend to strengthen our marketing efforts, combining digital outreach and strategic partnerships to reach a broader audience. Our goal is to remain relevant in the print-on-demand market by constantly innovating and upholding our core values of sustainability and quality.

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